Middlesex United Methodist Church
Thursday, April 18, 2024
Making Disciples - Transforming the World

Children and Youth Ministry

The children and youth ministry exist to guide young people in our care and beyond our walls to know God's love and learn how to share it with others. By reaching out to children and youth we can pass on our faith and encourage them to find their way using the light of Christ as their guide. Children and youth ministry consists of fun activities, mission trips, service projects, participation in worship services, Sunday school and Confirmation. We hope to build strong, long-lasting relationships in a caring and supportive environment.

Being involved means being a difference maker! No matter what your personal gifts are there is a way to make a positive impact on those who come through the doors of Middlesex UMC. You can volunteer to make snacks, prep craft materials, or work directly with the children in children's church, Sunday school, nursery, little lights, vacation bible school, youth service projects or a special event. You can volunteer once a year, once a month or every week! Contact Erin at 243-4413 or kids@middlesexumc.com.